I recently decided, in spite of the snow and cold, to get out in the backyard to see what I could find. As is so often the case, there was plenty to discover. The ice that formed in the middle of this Golden Alexander (Zizia aurea) seedpod reminded me of a crystal jewel.

The shapes of the Downy Skullcap (Scutellaria incana) seedpods also caught my attention. Some reminded me of miniature bonnets, others looked like miniature scoop shovels.

The Pink Muhly Grass (Muhlenbergia capillaris) certainly looked different than it did last autumn. Its stems held beautiful ice drops, and the seeds that look so fragile still added some delicate texture to the winter scene.

I’m glad to say the snow and ice are almost gone, and we are enjoying sunshine and warmer temperatures. However, I’m glad I talked myself into getting out in the cold with the camera to discover some delightful winter garden details.
LOVE! See you next Wednesday.
Thanks, Linda, and yes, I’m planning on Wednesday.
I’ve enjoyed having a real winter, it’s been beautiful. Your garden shots illustrate that so well. And now, out I go into the spring-like weather!
Good to think of you out in the gardens again, Ann.
Absolutely lovely Betty, Always enjoy you photography.
Thanks, Linda.
Lovely photos Betty !
The ice blob in the middle of the Golden Alexander reminds me of a little jewel embellishment i would put on a hand made greetings card. The seedpods of
the Downy Skullcap do look just as you observed, and the Muhly Grass picture
is really gorgeous, my favourite!
I appreciate your comments, Pauline, and the Pink Muhly Grass is also my favorite.
Hi Betty,
It was so nice to meet you at the arboretum last week. I enjoy your photographs immensely. While the ice on the plants is beautiful, I too am ready for spring weather! I have daffodils peeking through the ground and the Tufted Titmice are singing.
Good to hear from you, Suzanne, and glad we happened to be at the Arboretum at the same time.