ERMINE and NEEDLEMINER MOTHS – Families Lyonetiidae and Yponomeutiidae |
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Ailanthus webworm
Atteva aurea #2401
Lexington, KY, 9-2008 | |
SLUGS – Family Limacodidae |
 |  |
Abbreviated Button Slug Moth
Tortricidia flexuosa #4654
Natural Bridge, 2016-7
Hosts: | Skiff Moth
Prolimacodes badia #4671
Natural Bridge, 2016-7
 | |
Spun Glass Slug Moth
Isochates beutenmuelleri #4675
Natural Bridge, 2016-7 | |
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Lined Oak Leafroller
Argyrotaenia quercifoliana #3623
Lexington, KY, 2016-7
Hosts: oak and witch hazel | |
GRASS VENEERS - Family Crambidae, Subfamily Crambinae |
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Snowy Urola
Urola nivalis #5404
Lexington, KY, 2016-5
Hosts: grasses | Sod Webworm
Pediasis trisecta #5413
Lexington, KY, 2015-7
Hosts: grasses |
 | |
Elegant Grass-Veneer
Microcrambus elegans #5464
Lexington, KY, 2016-6
Hosts: grasses | |
AQUATIC CRAMBIDS – Family Crambidae, Subfamily Acentropinae |
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Waterlily Leafcutter
Synclita obliteralis #4755
Lexington, KY, 2012-6
Hosts: aquatic plants | |
PYRAUSTINA MOTHS – Family Crambidae, Subfamily Pyraustinae |
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Orange-spotted Pyrausta
Pyrausta orphisalis #5058
Lexington, KY, 2014-7
Hosts: mint | Celery Leaftier
Udea rubigalis #5079
Lexington, KY, 2012-6
Hosts: low plants |
 |  |
Lucerne Moth
Nomophila nearctia #5156
Lexington, KY, 2012-5
Hosts: widespread | White-headed Grape Leaffolder
Dsmia maculalis #5160
Lexington, KY, 2015-7
Hosts: grape
 | |
Ironweed Root Moth
Polygrammodes flavidalis #5228
Mothapalooza, 2016-8
Hosts: ironweed | |
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Glorious Habrosyne
Mothapalooza, 2016-8
Hosts: birch, raspberry | Rose Hooktip
Oreta rosa #6255
Mothapalooza, 2016-8
Hosts: birch, viburnum |
CARPETS AND PUGS - Family Geometridae, Subfamily Larentiinae |
 |  |
Lesser Grapevine Looper
Eulithis diversilineata #7196
Lexington, KY, 2015-8
Hosts: grape / V. creeper | Cherry Scallop Shell
Rheumaptera hastata #7292
Floracliff, 2016-7
Hosts: azalea, willow |
 | |
The Gem
Orthonama obstipata #7414
Lexington, KY, 2012-6
Hosts: low plants, ragweed | Bent-Line Carpet
Costaconvexa centrostrigaria #7416
Lexington, KY, 2015
Hosts: low plants, smartweed |
EMERALDS - Family Geometridae, Subfamily Geometrinae |
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Showy Emerald
Dichorda iridaria #7053
Natural Bridge, 2012-7 | Wavy-lined Emerald
Synchlora aerata #7058#
Natural Bridge, 2012-7 |
WAVES - Family Geometridae, Subfamily Sterrhinae |
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Common Tan Wave
Pleuroprucha insulsaria #7132
Lexington, KY, 6-2012 | Packard's Wave
Cyclophora parkardi #7136
Lexington, KY, 2016-5
Hosts: unknown |
 | |
Chickweed Geometer
Haematopis grataria #7146
Lexington, KY, 2015-7
Hosts: chickweed, clover, + | |
TYPICAL GEOMETERS - Family Geometridae, Subfamily Ennominae |
 |  |
Birch Angle
Macaria notata/promiscuta #6330
Ohio, 2016-8
Hosts: birch, alder | Minor Angle
Macaria minorata #6340
Lexington, KY, 2012-6
Hosts: white and red pine |
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Red-headed Inchworm
Macaria bisignata #6342
Lexington, KY, 2012-8
Hosts: pine | Hemlock Angle
Macaria fissonatata #6348
Natural Bridge, 2016-4
Hosts: hemlock |
 | |
Large Purplish Gray
Iridopsis vellivolata #6582
Lexington, KY, 2016-4
Hosts: pine, spruce | Small Purplish Gray
Iridopsis humaria #6584
Lexington, KY, -4
Hosts: trees, low plants |
 |  |
Bent-line Gray
Irdopsis larvaria (6588)
Natural Bridge, 7-2012 | Common Gray
Anavitrinella pampinaria (6590)
Lexington, KY, 7-2012
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Tulip-tree Beauty
Epimecis hortaria (6599)
Natural Bridge, 4-2016 | Signate Melanolophia
Melanolophiasignataria #6621 |
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One-Spotted Variant
Hypagyrtis unipunctata #6654
Hosts: trees, pine, oak, + | Deep Yellow Euchlaena
Euchlaena amoenaria #6733
Floracliff, 2016-7
Hosts: unknown |
 |  |
False Crocus Geometer
Xanthotype urticaria #6740
Floracliff, 2016
Hosts: goldenrod, dogwood | Morrison's Pero
Pero morrisonaria #6755
, 2011-
Hosts: pine, spruce |
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Oak Beauty
Phaeoura quernaria #6763
Lexington, KY, 2016-
Hosts: elm, oak | Pale Beauty
Campaea periata (6796)
Holly River WV, 2012-5 |
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Alien Probole
Probole alienaria #6837
Holly River, WV, 2011-6
Hosts: trees, shrubs | Hollow-spotted Plagodis
Plagodis alcoolaria #6844
Floracliff, 2016-7
Hosts: maple, oak |
 |  |
Confused Euscarca
Eusarca confusaria #6941
Lexington, KY, 2016-8
Hosts: sumac, willow | Large Maple Spanworm
Prochoerodes lineola (6982)
Natural Bridge, 9-2014 |
APATELODID MOTHS - Family Apatelodidae |
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Spotted Apatelodes
Apatelodes torrefacta #7663
Natural Bridge, -6
Hosts: ash, maple, oak | |
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Dot-lined White Moth
Artace cribarius #7683
Natural Bridge | Eastern Tent Caterpillar Moth
Malacosoma americana #7701
Lexington, KY |
ROYAL SILKWORM MOTHS - Family Saturniidae, Subfamily Ceratocampinae |
 |  |
Imperial Moth
Eacles imperialis #7704
Natural Bridge, 2016
Hosts: maple, oak, walnut
| Regal Moth
Citheronia regalis #7706
Natural Bridge, 2016
Hosts: walnut, ash, hickory |
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Rosy Maple Moth
Dryocampa rubicunda #7715
Natural Bridge | Pink-Striped Oakworm Moth
Anisota virginiensis #7723
Ohio, 2016-8
Hosts: red oak |
GIANT SILKWORM MOTHS - Family Saturniidae, Subfamily Saturniinae |
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Polyphemus Moth
Antheraea polyphemus #7757
Natural Bridge | Luna Moth
Actias luna #7758
Natural Bridge |
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Promethea Moth
Callosamia promethea #7764
Lexington, KY | Tulip-Tree Silkmoth
Callisamia angulifera #7765
Ohio, 2016-8
Hosts: tulip tree, cherry, sassafras |
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Cecropia Moth
Hyalophora cecropia #7767
Lexington, KY | |
LARGE SPHINX MOTHS - Family Sphingidae, Subfamily Sphinginae |
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Five-Spotted Hawkmoth
Manduca quinquemaculatus #7776
Lexington, KY
| Ash Sphinx
Manduca jasminearum #7783
Lexington, KY, 2012-7
Hosts: ash, maple, oak |
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Elm Sphinx
Ceratomia amyntor #7786
Natural Bridge | Waved Sphinx
Ceratomia undulosa #7787
Natural Bridge |
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Catalpa Sphinx
Ceratomia catalpae #7789
Lexington, KY, 2016-5
Hosts: catalpa | Laurel Sphinx
Sphinx kalmiae #7809
Ohio, 2016-8
Hosts: laurel, ash, lilac |
EYED SPHINX MOTHS - Family Sphingidae, Subfamily Smerinthinae |
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Blinded Sphinx
Paonias excaecata #7824
Ohio, 2016-8
Hosts: willow, basswood | |
SMALL SPHINX MOTHS - Family Sphingidae, Subfamily Macroglossinae |
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Snowberry Clearwing
Hemaris diffinis #7855
Lexington, KY | Abbott's Sphinx
Sphecodina abbotiti #7870
Natural Bridge |
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Lettered Sphinx
Deidamia inscriptum #7871
Natural Bridge, 2014-7
Hosts: grape, Virginia creeper | Nessus Sphinx
Amphion floridensis #7873
S. Carolina |
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Virginia Creeper Sphinx
Darapsa myron #7885
Lexington, KY, 2016-7
Hosts: Virginia creeper, grape, viburnum | Azalea Sphinx
Darapsa choerilus #7886
Natural Bridge, 2012-8
Hosts: azalea, blueberry, viburnum |
PROMINENTS - Family Notodontidae |
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Contracted Datana
Datana contracta #7906
Natural Bridge | White-Dotted Prominent
Nadata gibbosa #7915
Lexington, KY, 2016-5
Hosts: oak, maple, cherry |
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Angulose Prominent
Peridea Angulosa #7920
Ohio, 2016-8
Hosts: oak | White-blotched Heterocampa
Heterocampa umbrata #7990
Ohio, 2016-8
Hosts: oak |
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Wavy-Lined Heterocampa
Heterocampa biundata #7995
Ohio, 2016-8
Hosts: willow, hickory | Variable Oakleaf Caterpillar Moth
Lochmaeus manteo #7998
Ohio, 2016-8
Hosts: oak, beech, chestnut |
TUSSOCK MOTHS - Family Erebidae, Subfamily Lymantriinae |
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Yellow-Based Tussock Moth
Dasychira basiflava #8296
Natural Bridge, 2012-7
Hosts: oak | |
TIGER MOTHS - Family Erebidae, Subfamily Arctiinae, Tribe Arctiini |
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Clymene Moth
Haploa clymene #8107
Natural Bridge | Isabella Tiger Moth
Pyrrharctia isabella #8129
Lexington, KY |
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Virginian Tiger Moth
Spilosoma virginica #8137
Lexington, KY, 2010-7
Hosts: maple, willow, walnut | Giant Leopard Moth
Hypercompe scibonia #8146
Natural Bridge |
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Nais Tiger Moth
Apantesis nais #8171
Lexington, KY | Banded Tussock Moth
Halsidota tessellaris #8203
Natural Bridge |
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Hickory Tussock Moth
Lophocampa caryae #8211
Natural Bridge | Delicate Cycnia
Cycnia tenera #8230
Ohio, 2016-8
Hosts: milkweed, hemp |
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Yellow-Collared Scape Moth
Cisseps fulvicollis #8267
Lexington, KY | |
LITTER MOTHS - Family Erebidae, Subfamily Lymantriinae |
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American Idia
Idia americalis #8322
Lexington, KY, 2016-8
Hosts: lichen | Common Idia
Idia aemula #8323
Lexington, KY, 2016-8
Hosts: dead leaves |
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Faint-Spotted Palthis
Palthis asopialis #8398
Lexington, KY, 2016-7
Hosts: oak, coralberry, bean | |
SNOUTS - Family Erebidae, Subfamily Hypeninae |
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Baltimore Snout
Hypena baltimoralis #8442
Natural Bridge | White-Lined Snout
Hypena abalienalis #8445
Ohio, 2016-8
Hosts: slippery elm |
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Deceptive Snout
Hypena deceptalis #8446
Natural Bridge, 2016-7
Hosts: Basswood | Green Cloverworm
Hypena scraba #8465
Lexington, KY, 2016
Hosts: strawberry, clover |
UNDERWINGS< ZALES & OWLETS - Family Erebidae, Subfamily Erebinae |
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Common Oak Moth
Phoberia atomaris #8591
Natural Bridge, 2011
Hosts: oak | Lunate Zale
Zale lunata #8689
Floracliff, 2015-7
Hosts: trees and shrubs |
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Locust Underwing
Euparthenos nubils #8719
Ohio, 2016-8
Hosts: black locust | False Underwing
Alllotria elonympha #8721
Floracliff, 2016-7
Hosts: black gum, hickory, walnut |
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Maple Looper Moth
Parallelia bistriaris #8727
??, 2016-7
Hosts: maple, birch, walnut | The Betrothed
Catocala innubens #8770
Floracliff, 2016-7
Hosts: honey locust |
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Tearful Underwing
Catocala lacrymosa #8794
Lexington, KY, 2016
Hosts: hickory | Clouded Underwing
Catocala nebulosa #8796
Lexington, KY |
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Ilia Underwing
Catocala ilia #8801
??, 2016
Hosts: oak | The Sweetheart
Catocala amatrix #8834
Lexington, KY |
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Magdalen Underwing
Catocala ilecta #8840
Hosts: honey locust, lead plant | |
EULEPIDOTINE OWLETS - Family Erebidae, Subfamily Eulepidotinae |
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Red-Lined Panopoda
Panopoda rufimargo #8587
Floracliff, -7
Hosts: oak and beech | Brown Panapoda
Panapoda carneicosta #8588
, 2016-7
Hosts: oak, willow, hickory |
LOOPERS - Family Noctuidae, Subfamily Plusiinae |
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Pink-Patched Looper
Psudeva purpurigera #8899
Natural Bridge | |
BAILEYAS & NYCTEOLAS - Family Noctuidae, Subfamilies Risobinae & Chloephorinae |
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Small Baileya
Baileya australis #8973
Natural Bridge, 2012-7 | Eyed Baileya
Baileya ophthalmica #8970
Natural Bridge, -5
Hosts: beech, hornbeam |
GROUNDLINGS - Family Noctuidae, Subfamily Condicinae |
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Green Leuconycta
Leuconycta diphteroides #9065
??, 2016
Hosts: goldenrod, aster | |
BIRD-DROPPING MOTH - Family Noctuidae, Subfamily Acontiinae |
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Bird-Dropping Moth
Hosts: ragweed, hollyhock | |
PANTHEAS & YELLOWHORNS - Family Noctuidae, Subfamily Pantheinae |
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Black Zigzag
Panthea acronyctoides 9177 #9177
Natural Bridge, 2012-8
Hosts: pine, hemlock | |
DAGGERS - Family Noctuidae, Subfamily Acronictinae |
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Nondescript Dagger
Acronicta spinigera #9235
Lexington, KY, 2016-5
Hosts: cherry, birch, elm | Great Oak Dagger
Acronicta lobeliae #9238
Floracliff, 2016-7
Hosts: oak |
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Ovate Dagger
Acronicta ovata #9243
Ohio, ????-8
Hosts: oak, beech, chestnut | Small Oak Dagger
Acronicta increta #9249
Lexington, KY, 2016-5
Hosts: oak, chestnut |
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Yellow-Haired Dagger
Acronicta impleta #9257
Lexington, KY, 2016-5
Hosts: maple, ash, hickory | Green Marvel
Agriopodes #9281
Natural Bridge |
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The Hebrew
Polygrammate hebraeicum #9285
Floracliff, -7
Hosts: black gum | Harris's Three-Spot
Harrisimemna trisignata #9286
Ohio, 2016-8
Hosts: honeysuckle, willow, cherry |
WOOD-NYMPHS AND FORESTERS - Family Noctuidae, Subfamily Agaristinae |
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Beautiful Wood-Nymph
Eudryras Grata #9301
Natural Bridge | Eight-Spotted Forrester
93-1979 #9314
Lexington, KY |
PHOSPHILAS & ARMYWORMS - Family Noctuidae, Subfamily Noctuinae |
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Yellow-Striped Armyworm
Spodoptera ornithogali #9669
Lexington, KY, 2012-7
Hosts: low plants (a pest)? | |
SMALL ARCHES & SUMMER QUAKERS - Family Noctuidae, Subfamily Noctuinae |
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Bristly Cutworm
Lacinipolia renigera #10397
Lexington, KY, 2016-5
Hosts: alfalfa, dandelion | Laudable Arches
Lacinipolia laudabilis #10411
Lexington, KY, 2016-8
Hosts: dandelion |
DARTS - Family Noctuidae, Subfamily Noctuinae |
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Ipsilon Dart
Agrotis ipsilon #10663
Lexington, KY, 2016
Hosts: low plants & crops | Green Cutworm
Anicia infecta #10911
Hosts: clover, grasses |
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Greater Black-Letter Dart
Xestia dolosa #10942.1
Lexington, KY, 2016-5
Hosts: low plants & crops | Greater Red Dart
Abagrotis alternata #11029
????, 2016
Hosts: trees and low plants |
GLYPHS - Family Noctuidae, Subfamilies Bagisarinae and Eustrotiinae |
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Black-bordered Lemon
Marimatha nigrofimbria #????
Lexington, KY | |