When we decided to re-landscape the backyard with native plants that would attract birds and butterflies, it was easy to feel overwhelmed at the choices. What plants? How many of each? Where to find the plants? How to place them?
We were fortunate to find folks who knew more than we did who shared their enthusiasm and knowledge. I’m sharing some of the resources that have been most helpful to me and hope they may be helpful to others as well.
- Monarch butterfly resources. Monarchs are my favorite butterflies, and they’re in trouble. Find out how you can help them.
- 25 Favorite KY native plants. If I could only have 25 plants in my backyard, these are the ones I would choose.
- Native plant resources – includes “why” natives are important and “ways” to incorporate them into any landscape.
- Butterfly resources – includes ways to attract butterflies to your backyard and if you are interested, how to raise them.
- Betty’s moth list – some moths I’ve seen and photographed – mostly in our backyard.
- Our Backyard is one example of a Kentucky native backyard. We enjoy sharing it and hope it can be a source of information for others.
- Our backyard plant list – the plants we have in our yard, including information on their growing preferences (light and water), height, and bloom time.
- Neighborhood tree project – with the help of arborist Stacy Borden (The Tree Man), our neighborhood planted 16 bare-root trees. View photos of the planting demonstration.