I’ll be doing a presentation on monarch waystations on Thursday, April 4, at 7 p.m. at St. Michael’s Episcopal Church, 2025 Bellefonte Drive for the Lexington Chapter of Wild Ones (Facebook). Visitors are welcome.
Monarch butterflies are in trouble. Their numbers are the lowest ever recorded and the World Wildlife Fund has declared the monarch migration to be endangered. One way we can help these butterflies is to create monarch waystations – habitats that provide milkweed and nectar plants to encourage monarchs as well as other butterflies and pollinators.
Monarchs are dear to my heart, and I was moved by their story as told in the Flight of the Butterflies documentary movie. I’m very concerned about their survival, and I hope to encourage as many people as possible to provide habitats for them. I’d be glad to see you at the presentation.
I am aware of the serious status of the Monarch. Although I had as many releases last year as the year before, I know overall numbers are down. I also am encouraging friends, family and neighbors to plant milkweed and nectar plants. Thank you for all you do Betty. You are an inspiration.
Chris, I appreciate what you are doing, too. Would be glad to know more about your favorite milkweeds.
Thanks Betty for the information on the way station. I contacted them (by email) as I had questions about wheter or not our area was close to a migration path, and if it would be safe for them to congregate.
As soon as I get the go ahead, I will work on Our Way Station. I know we used to be a part of their migration 20 years ago or more and I loved it. I have missed them and was so interested in why they are not coming this way.
Bert’s My Vickie
Jamie, glad to know you are interested in creating a Waystation and would be glad to know what you find out.
Last year I had about five milkweed plants. I will see how many survived and then add enough to get at least up to ten. A world without monarch butterflies seems unthinkable.
Ann, if not unthinkable, certainly unacceptable. I look forward to celebrating your certified Monarch Waystation”