Hooray for the winter solstice!

I’m looking forward to celebrating the winter solstice, our shortest day of the year, on Saturday, December 21. After that, our days will begin to get longer and we’ll start moving toward spring.

I appreciate winter a little more knowing it won’t last forever. So here’s to the wonder of winter, including the magic of snow, bare tree branches, and bright red cardinals.

cardinal on a snowy day

Here again is my favorite solstice poem by Diane Lee Moomey.


Again did the earth shift.
Again did the nights grow short
and the days long.

And the people
of the earth were glad
and celebrated each in their own ways.

Happy winter solstice to each of you, and best wishes for the holiday season.

10 thoughts on “Hooray for the winter solstice!”

  1. And to you Betty, a most joyful Holiday time and a very Happy, Healthy New Year filled with new creativity.

  2. Betty, the photo of the cardinal is gorgeous! They are such beautiful birds and are especially cheerful to see in winter time.

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