It was great to go out in the yard today and find several colorful blooms, including these familiar wildflowers – click any image to see it larger.
I hope you’re enjoying some warmer weather and longer days, and also finding signs of spring.

Celebrating the ordinary
It was great to go out in the yard today and find several colorful blooms, including these familiar wildflowers – click any image to see it larger.
I hope you’re enjoying some warmer weather and longer days, and also finding signs of spring.
Three years ago, I planted a native Pussy Willow (Salix discolor). I’ve always been intrigued by their early fuzzy buds, and I knew they were good source of early nectar for pollinators.
It was extra special last week to see a bright splash of blue in the backyard and to realize it was a male Indigo Bunting (Passerina cyanea). It’s a new member of our backyard bird list that we’ve kept since replanting the backyard with native plants in 2006. We’re now up to 66 different species.
When I saw these crocuses blooming on the 3rd day of February, I felt like I had discovered nuggets of gold. I’ve never before had garden flowers this early.
I’m amazed that something that appears so delicate can survive our below-freezing temperatures, but they seem to take the cold in stride. The blossoms close tightly at night, but open and seem to glow on sunny afternoons. Thanks be for nature’s February gold!
I’m having great fun checking the backyard for spring flowers. The blooms and buds are small and there aren’t many of them. However it’s quite obvious that spring is springing! Here’s a sampling of what I’ve found so far.
The buds are beautiful on their own, and I enjoy watching them open into blooms. I’m delighted to watch the ‘plant parade’ once again, and I hope you’re enjoying some signs of spring also.
P.S. I’ve recently created photo galleries of pollinators and moths on my website, and added new images to other galleries. I’d be glad for you to check them out.