Carolina wrens – another backyard favorite

It was a cold, snowy weekend here in Lexington, which brought lots of different birds (eighteen species) to our feeders. I enjoyed watching all of them, but must admit I have my favorites, including our pair of Carolina wrens (Thryothorus ludovicianus). These small birds have a rusty-colored back, prominent eye stripe, long curved beak and up-turned tail. They are permanent residents and provide much enjoyment all year round.

Carolina wren on ground

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Winter solstice and winterberries

I like celebrating the winter solstice, our shortest day of the year, on December 21st. I’m glad to think of the increased daylight that leads us toward spring and another growing season. In the meantime, I’m enjoying the brilliant red berries of our winterberry shrubs.

Winterberry shrubs with bright red berries
Winterberries (Ilex verticillata)

This poem by Diane Lee Moomey expresses my sentiments.


Again did the earth shift.
Again did the nights grow short
and the days long.

And the people
of the earth were glad
and celebrated each in their own ways.

Best wishes to all for the season and the coming year.