
Several years ago my mother told me she had planted a new shrub on the farm where I grew up in Missouri. She called it a wahoo, and said she wished I could see it in October. Wahoo? I assumed that must be a local Ozark name. When I finally saw it in the fall, I understood why she enjoyed it so much.

wahoo (Euonymus atropurpureus)

I saw the shrub again while hiking in Kentucky. After some research I found it was indeed a wahoo (Euonymus atropurpureus) and that it is native to both Missouri and Kentucky. This one in the backyard is an offspring of mother’s plant.

Throughout the summer it is an attractive tree-like shrub that calls no attention to itself. Then in autumn the leaves turn yellow and begin to drop, and the pods turn a bright pink and begin to stand out.

wahoo (Euonymus atropurpureus) fruit pods

As the pods age, they open and bright red seeds appear. It’s another of nature’s wonders and I look forward to the show each autumn.

Aromatic Aster

Here’s a view of the back of the garden. The aromatic asters (Aster oblongifolius) in the foreground are providing the last flowers of the season.

aromatic aster (Aster oblongifolius)

They form a low hedge and I enjoy the textured foliage through the summer. I especially enjoy when they bloom in September and October.

At close range the blossoms are dainty and delicate.

aromatic aster (Aster oblongifolius)

However, the plants have been hardy. We’ve had very little rain for three months and have already had frost. Nevertheless, the plants continue to bloom and add a nice touch of color.

Autumn leaves

I’m intrigued by autumn leaves – so many shapes, sizes, colors, and textures, and always changing. When I look closely at individual leaves they often strike me as true works of art. Here is a sampling from the backyard.

The bur oak leaves are our largest – some are over twelve inches long.

bur oak (Quercus macrocarpa) leaf
Bur oak (Quercus macrocarpa) leaf

This close-up reminds me of an aerial photograph.

bur oak (Quercus macrocarpa) leaf close-up
Bur oak (Quercus macrocarpa) leaf close-up

The blueberry (Vaccinium simulatum) leaves create a bright splash in the garden right now.

blueberry (Vaccinium simulatum) leaves
Blueberry (Vaccinium simulatum) leaves

This mitten-shape-leaf on the young sassafras is one of many variations on the same tree.

sassafras (Sassafras albidum) leaf
Sassafras (Sassafras albidum) leaf

I like the jewel tones of these small fragrant sumac (Rhus aromatica) leaves.

Fragrant sumac (Rhus aromatica) leaves
Fragrant sumac (Rhus aromatica) leaves

Photography note: These images were made with my small point-and-shoot Canon Power Shot SD1200 – macro setting without a tripod. I like to see the light coming through the leaves and used a 60 watt bulb to backlight all the images except the bur oak leaf (first image).

Seeing more with a camera

Autumn colors are here and beauty abounds. I find that using a camera helps me focus and notice nuances I would otherwise miss. For example, we are enjoying the fall colors in our tupelo tree (Nyssa sylvatica), also called black gum.

Tupelo also known as Black Gum (Nyssa sylvatica)

However, until I photographed it I hadn’t noticed the rich mixture of red, orange and green leaves and the dark contrasting branches.

Close-up of red and green tupelo leaves in fall

Using a camera helps me see things that would otherwise escape my notice. I recently wrote an article for the Lexington Chevy Chaser encouraging people to use a camera to see more.

I’d be glad to know if you have had similar experiences. I’d also like to hear other ideas for seeing and enjoying the beauty that’s close at hand.


Yes, this is the name of a native Kentucky shrub.  Other names include hearts-a-bursting with love, and strawberry-bush (Euonymus americanus).

hearts-a-burstin, strawberry-bush (euonymus americanus)

Our 4 ft. shrub has proven to be hardy, growing underneath a large pine tree in dry, shady conditions.

It’s quite showy this time of year when the prickly-looking magenta pods break open to display the bright red-orange seeds and is another of my favorite plants.

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