We received 12 inches of snow yesterday. With low temperatures and wind chills approaching 0°, we’ve had a steady stream of birds at the feeders.
The birds seem to take it in stride, and they certainly added some life and color to a cold snowy day.
Celebrating the ordinary
In 1972, my husband, Harry, and our son, Brian, planted this pin oak (Quercus palustris) in our front yard. For 42 years, we’ve watched it grow, enjoyed its shade and the habitat it has provided for numerous birds and other wildlife.
Lexington has had a lot of cloudy gray days lately, and I’ve appreciated the bright colorful winterberries (Ilex verticillata) in our backyard.
We’ve enjoyed our bright red maple tree with sun through its leaves, and also after a snowfall. However, after our recent cold temperatures, the leaves fell and mingled with snow to create a colorful autumn carpet.
The snow is now gone. but the colorful leaves remain. We will soon collect them and use them as mulch for the garden. They will gradually become part of yet another growing season.
As we approach Thanksgiving, I’m grateful for our backyard, the change of seasons and many, many other blessings. I hope the same is true for you.
Happy Thanksgiving to all!
What a difference a week has made! It seems our autumn has suddenly turned to winter. The red maple (Acer rubrum) leaves, back lit by the morning sun, look much the same as last week. However, an inch of snow has given the garden an entirely different look.
I ventured out long enough to get this photograph. Since our outside temperature was 15° F, I was soon glad to enjoy the view from inside.
It’s still autumn. Can we hope for some mild November days? Or is this the beginning of a long, hard winter? Only time will tell.