First Monarch butterfly of the year

What a nice surprise! I was working in the garden last Tuesday, May 10, and was delighted to see a Monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) near some Common Milkweed (Asclepias syriaca). I suspected she was laying eggs. Sure enough, I later found two tiny white eggs and two more on nearby Swamp Milkweed (Asclepias tuberosa).

I’ll never forget the first time I saw and photographed a monarch laying eggs. This image was taken Easter Sunday, April 15, 2006 in our backyard.

monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus)  laying eggs in Kentucky backyard Watching  her place the tiny white eggs from the tip of her abdomen on the small milkweed plant was a memorable experience, and the beginning of my gratifying butterfly journey.

I planted milkweeds because I knew they are the only plants Monarchs will lay eggs on. Even though I’ve seen eggs every year since 2006, the first ones of the season always seem extra special.

I brought three of the new eggs inside, and only four days later I was surprised to discover that tiny caterpillars had emerged. I’m happy to report they are eating, pooping, getting larger and are now the size of very, very tiny ants. It will be fun to watch them grow.

I haven’t managed to photograph the caterpillars yet, but I look forward to sharing them with you in the near future.


Pipevine Swallowtail eggs

While wandering in the backyard last week with my camera, I was excited to see this Pipevine Swallowtail butterfly (Battus philenor) laying eggs on the Pipevine (Aristolochia macrophylla).

Pipevine Swallowtail butterfly (Battus philenor) - a native Kentucky butterfly

I went back later to find she had laid eggs in at least two places. As I was photographing these eggs, I saw a tiny insect crawling toward them.

In the past, butterfly eggs I’ve seen have mysteriously disappeared overnight. Eggs and caterpillars are tasty food for birds and other insects. I’ve read that no more than one out of a hundred eggs survives to become an adult.

I’d like to increase the chances for this batch of eggs, so I brought them inside. When the caterpillars emerge I’ll put some of them back on the Pipevine and raise the rest to adults.

I’m delighted my 2011 backyard butterfly adventures have begun and I’ll keep you posted on developments.


I’m once again enjoying our native Columbine (Aquilegia canadensis). The blossoms are an example of the amazing variety of colors, textures and shapes in the natural world. I like the way they dangle and dance with the slightest breeze.

Aquilegia canadensis

The flowers will be gone in about a month, but I’ll continue to enjoy the foliage for most of the summer.

aquilegia canadensis leaves

Columbine is a hardy plant and adaptable to a variety of growing conditions. I have some plants in our dry shade garden and some in full sun and they seem happy in both locations.

The blossoms are also an excellent source of nectar for hummingbirds. I’ve seen a male ruby-throated hummingbird (Archilochus colubris) in the backyard recently, and I hope he enjoys our columbine as much as I do.


Fritillaries and Violets

Fritillary butterflies are common in Kentucky. I enjoy seeing them in our backyard and want to encourage them. This is an image of a Great Spangled Fritillary (Speyeria cybele) feeding on purple coneflower (Echinacea purpurea) last summer.

Speyeria cybele butterfly

Adult fritillaries feed on a wide variety of flowers. However, caterpillars are dependent on violets as a major food source (host plant). In fact, Great Spangled Fritillary caterpillars only eat violet leaves, and without violets we wouldn’t have these butterflies.

Common blue violets (Viola papilionacea) are indeed common, growing in woods, meadows, roadsides, and lawns. Because they are so abundant it’s easy to overlook their scalloped heart-shaped leaves and attractive bright purple blossoms. The flowers are even edible.

Viola papilionacea

One drawback to violets is that they can spread, and my husband won’t be happy if they get in the lawn. I’ve planted a small patch and hope to keep them contained. I’m curious to see if fritillaries find them and I’ll be watching for caterpillars.

Blueberries in bloom

The blueberries (Vaccinium spp.) are in full bloom. It’s been fun to watch small insects visit the attractive bell-shaped flowers.

vaccinium spp.

I assume the insects are interested in nectar and pollen, and in return are pollinating the blooms so that by June there will be blueberries.

vaccinium spp.

I enjoy eating a few of the berries, but I’m happy to let the birds have most of them. I also enjoy the rich, colorful foliage in the late fall, as in this mid-November photo.

vaccinium foliage

Blueberries are also host plants (caterpillar food) for two common Kentucky butterflies, the spring azure (Celestrina ladon) and Henry’s elfin (Callophrys henrici) as well as several small moths.

These shrubs are hardy and can grow in full sun or shade, but will have more blooms and berries with some sun. They can be pruned to any desired height, and can even be used as a hedge. Blueberries prefer acid soil and I try to remember to add some Miracid or Holly-tone in the spring and fall.

I enjoy my blueberry bushes spring, summer, and fall and heartily recommend them for landscaping.

PS Thanks to my webmaster, Brian Hall, I’m trying out a new blog format. I’d be glad for any feedback.