Purple coneflower visitors

Goodness, it’s hot and dry. It is a challenging time for plants, wildlife, and gardeners. I previously blogged about why purple coneflowers (Echinacea purpurea) are one of my favorite perennials. They’re now proving to be one of my most drought-resistant plants and attracting the most visitors, including this orange sulphur butterfly (Colias eurytheme).

Colias Eurytheme Butterfly on EchinaceaPurpurea

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A teenage robin?

The morning after my “Baby robins” post I saw the young birds, but by afternoon the nest was empty. I was surprised at how much I missed them and wondered if something had gone wrong. However, in a few days a young robin that would have been about the right age appeared in the backyard. It was frequently begging for food and being fed by an adult male.

Adult and Immature Robin Continue reading “A teenage robin?”

May blooms and butterflies

There’s a lot going on in the backyard. Lots of blossoms and bees, and some butterflies. This area in particular is the scene of a lot of activity (click to view larger image).

Itea - sundrops - phlox and more
Front, left to right: Virginia Sweetspire, Sundrops, Purple Milkweed and Smooth Phlox. Trumpet Honeysuckle on the fence. Winterberry (the tall shrub) is also blooming.

Continue reading “May blooms and butterflies”