Life and death in the backyard – cicada killer wasp

In my experiment with fermented insect bait, my greatest surprise has been the regular appearance of two cicada killer wasps (Sphecius speciosus). I’ve seen them in the backyard before, and they are always flying fast and low to the ground. It’s been a treat to see them up close on the feeder. Sphecius speciosus wasp

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Insect bait – an experiment in fermentation

Although there are some blooms in the garden, I haven’t been seeing many butterflies and I decided to try an experiment. I made bait using a ripe banana, brown sugar, molasses, beer, and overly-ripe peaches, and let it ferment. I put some bait in a hummingbird feeder and more on a strip of terrycloth, and hung them in the backyard.

Fermented insect feeders

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A new backyard insect

I’ve put out fermented bait (rotten fruit, etc.) to attract butterflies and moths. However, for the last three nights I’ve been surprised to find an ivory-marked beetle (Eburia quadrigeminata) that has come to feed. This is the first one I’ve ever seen and I think it’s quite handsome. It apparently doesn’t bite, although I didn’t test it.

Eburia quadrigeminata

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Royal catchfly – another drought-resistant native

Royal catchfly (Silene regia) is another native perennial that has done well in spite of our prolonged hot, dry weather. It’s been blooming for over a month and continues to provide a much-appreciated bright spot in the backyard. It’s especially striking when backlit by the morning sun.

Silene Regia blossoms

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